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Manley's Announcements

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2025, AT 7:00 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, February 17, 2025, a meeting of the VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the Village of Manley, Nebraska will be held at 7:00 P.M. at the Village Community Center, 115 Cherry Street, Manley, NE. The agenda for such meeting, which is kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the Office of the Village Clerk in the Village Community Center during normal business hours.
If you have a concern that you wish addressed, contact the Village Clerk (402) 234-2304 no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Dated:January 27, 2025
Lindsy Cronk, Clerk

Download Agenda >>

To: Village of Manley Residents & Friends
From: Jolene Dalton, Clerk
Date: April 2021

We have a new playground! And the kids are having FUN on it!  Thanks to many generous donors, the playground is a reality without using any tax dollars!

Our gracious monetary donors are the Berneice Hopper Private Foundation, Midlands Community Foundation, Cass County Tourism, Ash Grove Cement, Gerald Snodgrass, Steve & Bonnie Meyer, and the 2019 Pillage the Village.

Volunteers who have generously donated their time (over 280 hours!) & energy to prepare food, erect the structure & lay the sidewalks are:  Randy Abbott, Justin Backhaus, Alan Barnes, Derek Batenhorst, Andrew Dalton, Jolene Dalton, Mickey Dalton, Tim Glas, Adam Goble, Rebecca Goble, Russ Gray, Patty Gruber, Chris Hess, Scott Hess, Tel Hess, Marilyn Lowery, Rick Lowery, Renee McAndrew, Dan Monahan, Nicole Shafer, Leonard Stohlmann, Denise Swenson, Phillip Tapp, Mikael Taylor, Dan Timm, Father Tom Wiedel, Adam Wiles and Adam Zierott.  Thank you!

And the new Picnic Shelter is ready for use but a few more embellishments will be added in the near future:  a Manley mural on the gable ends, lighting, charcoal grill & service counter.  Once again, thanks to Cass County Tourism & PTV profits, no tax dollars are being used to make this addition to our Park.

The wonderful volunteers who have made this structure a reality are: Andrew Dalton, Jolene Dalton, Mickey Dalton, Brad Davis, Laura Glas, Tim Glas, Adam Goble, Rebecca Goble, Chris Hess, Mike Hess, Scott Hess, Tel Hess, Marilyn Lowery, Rick Lowery, Roy Melo, Dan Monahan, Leonard Stohlmann, James Struthers, Denise Swenson, Tony Swoboda, Jeff Vickers, and Adam Zierott.  (over 370 hours of sweat!)

The Village Board is planning on placing a few covered benches around our two playgrounds for people to sit on as they watch the children play.  The family of Jerry Sheehan has donated money in his name to help fund the benches.  Additional donations are being sought to provide additional benches.  If you or someone you know would like to make a donation toward this project, please contact Chairman, Denise Swenson (402-677-2587) or any Board member.  Thank you!

Please welcome our new Village Clerk, Jessica Tummons, who hails from Weeping Water.  She is being trained by our former Clerk (me!) and the transition into the position is going smoothly.  There are many things for a Clerk to learn & be responsible for, so be patient with her😊.  I know you will treat her as well as you have treated me.  I am grateful for the opportunity this Village has given me to set up an official Office for the municipality, to help make our Village a recognizable community in the area, to help make improvements to the Village, and to meet & work with some wonderful people.  I believe we (the Village & I) have learned a lot about what an official Village Clerk’s responsibilities are & I am proud of what we have accomplished.  I know Jessica will bring new insight & talent to the position and keep us moving forward.

Circumstances around the Village have dictated that the Board enact three new Ordinances which are posted on the Post Office & Community Center bulletin boards & on the website. 

*ATV/UTV/golf cart regulations (will take effect July 1 - registration, a permit & flag will be needed.  Registration will begin June 1.)

*Snow Emergency car removal

*Animal licensing/fees

Make sure you take the time to read them.  As the saying goes, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

Speaking of the website (, Cheryl Jones has volunteered to be our website reporter.  Let her know when you have any Village happenings/news.  See the website for her ideas & suggestions.

The Village Board is constantly striving to keep our Village beautiful & one to be proud of.  They have scheduled clean up dates during the next few months:

*Sat, May 1st – Clean Up of the Spur (Manley Road), Manley Lane (south entrance into Manley), & 160th Street.  If you have ever helped pick up trash along a roadway, it makes you think twice when you go to throw something out your window – whether it be a can, sack or even a cigarette butt.  The Board cleans up these entrances twice a year.  It helps give a great first impression for anyone coming into our Village.  Keep Cass County Beautiful will supply us with materials to make the job easier & safe.  It only takes an hour or two, so if you could help us that morning, meet at the Community Center at 9:00 AM.  Thank you!

*Sat, June 5th – Annual Village Spring Clean Up – Dumpsters will be located at the Community Center to accept your unwanted itemsâ˜ș.  A list of prohibited items can be found on the flier that will be posted at the Post Office closer to that date.  (This Clean Up is for Manley residents only.)

Thankfully, this has not had to be implemented yet, but just remember that any time the Village is in a Tornado Watch or the siren goes off for a Tornado Warning, a Board member will open the Community Center.  Areas in the basement have been designated as safety areas.  For emergency information, have these phone numbers handy:  Tim Glas (402-515-7105), Denise Swenson (402-677-2587).

With Spring upon us, a couple of reminders might be in order:

*Outside burning is allowed but, before you light a match, you need to get a burn permit.  It doesn’t cost anything (although there is a $500 fine if you burn without oneâ˜ș) but for safety reasons, you need to get a permit (from Larry Schliefert 402-297-6288, Greg Schliefert 402-297-5537 or Dan Timm 402-416-4589).

*Manley has zoning regulations in place and therefore before you erect, alter or move any structure, contact one of our Zoning Administrators, Denise Swenson (402-677-2587) or Mickey Dalton (402-660-7032), & get a building permit.  Failure to get approval could result in a fine or removal of the structure.

The Board has adopted a form that residents can submit to report a concern they would like the Board to address.  If you are concerned about weeds, junk cars, speeding, hanging trees, etc. you can find this “Report A Concern” form on the bulletin board at the Post Office or on the website.

There are three odd-shaped tables (half circle with center opening) at the Community Center, left over from the school days.  The Board will give them away if you come pick them up.  Call Denise Swenson (402-677-2587) if you might be interested in them.

Reminder:  The Community Center is available for rent ($100 whole building, $50 basement only).  For information or to book a date, contact our Community Center Manager, Patty Gruber, at 402-234-2146.

Congratulations to our graduating senior, Will Jones.  Best of luck in your future endeavors!

And my last tidbit this month is Pillage the Village, our annual Village celebration/fundraiser.  Our event brings hundreds of people together in our community to enjoy our beautiful Village and to raise money for the upkeep & improvements of our Community Center & Park.  Help is needed in many areas to make this event a success!  Meeting dates are in the Village minutes & posted on the website.  Plan to join us for a fun day on August 28th!

Happy Spring!


Jolene Dalton, Clerk           Office hours: Tuesday 1-5 PM

Village of Manley         Thursday 10 AM-5 PM


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     Manley Village Board members: Denise Swenson, Chm/Mayor 402-677-2587

     Tim Glas 402-515-7105 Rebecca Goble 402-880-1141

     Patricia Gruber 402-234-2146 Phillip Tapp 402-306-3901